Monday, January 11, 2010

We need some GO-GO juice!

So I rode again today and it was SO nice outside! Finally it decided to get above the 50 degrees mark! WOW! Only problem is that Styx totally took that as an out to be lazy. Thank goodness that we took him off of the SmartCalm supplement!

However, he was great again today and I stayed in the saddle a bit longer than I usually do. Needless to say I can barely walk and my thighs are cursing me right now. Good call on skipping out on pilates tonight. But I needed it, and I still need much much more but we are taking these things a little at a time.

So here are our good points: He picked up his left canter leads perfectly today! His transition from trot to canter was beautiful, but now the transition from canter to trot needs some polishing. His right leads are pretty much always dead on, and that was no different today. It is really nice that every time I ride him here lately he is the same horse. Of course the warmer it is outside the slower he moves for some bizarre reason...seems like every other horse I have ridden up to him seemed to be more snotty along with the cold weather. Who knows...this horse has as many weird quirks, as do I! Haha

Oddly enough along with weird quirks and things to work on, his walk needs some attention. Fortunately I can do allot of this work myself when I am riding him. But usually people complain about their horse's trot or canter work...but the walk? Haha he just TOTALLY shuts down when he is walking. In his mind he is thinking "OH HECK yeah! I'm done!" when really I'm just giving myself time to catch my breath and slow my heart I mentioned earlier, riding him is a pretty darn good workout! So his walk is pretty lame and he is incredibly hard to steer when he is plodding along like a donkey. As long as I can keep him forward in the walk his steering is much better, but keeping him forward in the walk is like asking a freakin' miracle. Geez, I WHACKED him several times today (and no he didn't go wildly bucking towards the barn) and all I got was the infamous swish swish. But no walk. I sure wish I could get more from him other than tail talk. Oh Styx....

Generally I got another good day in. I think he likes wearing black. He feels like a fancy dressage horse now. SO black is officially his color. Not only does he look great in it (well, to me this horse looks great in anything!) but he seems to preform better in it. It's just karma I guess, and I do seem to be a bit superstitious sometimes :) we will go into this on another post.

So until my next ride (which I am guessing will be in a few days because I do have to go back into work tomorrow and the rain is imminently coming) remember to always love your buddy and as Jane Savioe says "Always keep a positive attitude, even if your horse is bucking wildly through the arena." I guess this means hold the heck on and cowgirl those bucks and guess what.....halt at X. (if you can hehehe)

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