Sunday, January 10, 2010


Well, like a crazy people would, Katie and I braved the cold and rode today. The frigid temps finally made it up to a balmy 40 degrees, but yeah it was still pretty darn cold! Did I mention that it has been down in the teens at night here?? So we took several days off to wait on the warmer temperatures to arrive.

So we rode today and had a great time. I'm not sure if it is the cold weather that he really likes or if he has finally just decided that he wants to be a dressage horse now, but man he has been really nice for Katie and me lately! He knows now how to properly carry himself and get down on the bit and when he does, GAH it is nice! It just feels RIGHT...there is no other way to describe it other than pure joy. Its like YEAH I KNOW I LOOK GOOD NOW!!! His head tossing has also gotten A LOT better. For those of you that don't talk to me regularly, Styx and I went through a period when he tossed his head every time you attempted to take contact. Yeah, it totally sucked that every time I asked him to get round, his head ended up in my face filling my mouth with black mane. Thank GOD I didn't end up with a broken nose! Not to mention that he decided to start pulling this little trick about 3 days before our first show...OH man those were the days that I went to bed at night questioning my sanity on buying him. But here lately (since Katie figured out that he likes this HIDEOUS 6" bit...whatever) he has been so nice to work with. Like I said, he has finally given up and decided to be a dressage horse instead of this racehorse jumper extraordinaire. Yup, I didn't waste money on this horse :) (Phew!)

So today as usual Katie longed him with side reins first and then she always rides him first as well. Like I mentioned in my earlier post, Katie is an extremely talented equestrian. I say equestrian to include all things horses. Not only can she ride better than I have ever dreamed that I could, but she almost always has the answer for my questions. If it weren't for her expertise during our motorcycle escapade, I would not have made it to the other side. Not to mention that he looks like a totally diffrent horse now due to her training. Anywho, she has been working with him on his canter transitions. He can almost always pick up his right lead, but he has trouble getting his left lead (his left hind was the leg involved in the accident). He also has this thing about throwing his head in the air and running into the canter. It always looks great when he gets into the canter but his transitions are a bit rusty. I know this all comes with muslce development so I figure the more he works the better he will look. I can see that he is looking more and more like a dressage horse every day...and not so much like a hunter! I am so pleased at where his training is going.

So I rode after she schooled him and one of the biggest things I have been trying to over come is riding with a whip. With Styx being Styx (i.e. LAZY) he HAS to be ridden with a whip. I have issues with proper contact and rein length as is and it makes it a good bit harder for me to figure out these things with a whip in my hand...and I guess I will sheepishly admit that I am a little scared that he is going to go bucking wild when I wack him with it. But today I rode him successfully with the whip the entire time! Yay!! And he didn't go postal on me so that's two pluses for him! I know that I inadverdently whack him with it when I don't mean to, but luckily for me it doesn't seem to bother him much and the most he does is talk with his tail. I can hear that familiar swish swish when I tap him on the every time I pop him with it. So I guess I can rely on his tail to know when I am hitting him with it. Also, I didn't even tire out as fast today! The past few times I have ridden it seemed like I could hardly trot him around the arena without loosing my breath, but today I did really well with keeping him forward and not dieing. Katie and I laughed at the barn not so long ago about people that say riding is not a cardio workout. HA...they haven't met Styx! Yeah I still need a good deal more work, but yeah buddy...I'm gonna look good in my breeches at shows this year...or not...whatever :) At least my horse is gonna look good!

I also did a little better with watching where I am going as opposed to watching my horses head. GEEZ I am bad about that! Styx's steering is not the greatest but he steers SO much better when I LOOK where I am going, especially through the turns...I also learned today to turn with my hips to help him know where we are going, and God knows that baby I have the hips to show him where to go. That is a good bit of weight up there steering him :) haha

Not to mention we did all of this today with jump standards IN the arena with us and he didn't try to go over them! Yay!!!

So all in all today, Styx and I had a really positive ride. I still need to work on controlling my posting and even contact on the reins as well as my position in the saddle. Sit back on your pockets, relax and hold those wine glasses with thumbs up! It sure is good to get a good blog in on him before the nasty ones start. I am certain that they will start when we start working on his cantering. Just to forewarn you, if I try to sell him to you for $500 please ignore me...I really don't mean it.

So until next ride, bundle up and remember to unconditionally love your horse no matter what they may do to you. I am so grateful to have such a beautiful animal and this sort of thing we ask them to do is not natural to them at all. So next time you are at the barn give your best buddy a good hug and remember how blessed we all truly are.

Hugs Hoofs...and Halt at X!

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