Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Look out 2010...here comes Mary Collin and Styx!

So 2010 is finally here...wow. What a year 2009 was! Allot happened last year including the purchase of my first horse! I am constantly finding that I want to share stories with people about me and my horse so with this being the season of new beginnings, I thought what better resolution than to write about him every time I ride. Along with my fabulous trainer Katie, I realize that I am constantly beating myself up over silly things (his head tossing, too bouncy with my posting..etc.) so I need to write about it so that I can really realize how great he truly is and how blessed I am to be the owner of such a fun horse. It is time to stop, take a step back and look at where we are....

Just to catch you guys up on who we are...I am a full time dental hygienist. I wish I had the time and money to be a full time "professional" amateur dressage rider, but unfortunately I chose the "rich girl sport" with a poor girl budget. I grew up riding hunter jumpers...well...I'm not sure if riding is the proper term, but I sure tried! But the most important thing is that I loved it. I have always said that horses were my first love and how true that is for many people. I quit riding once I made it to high school and my old trainer moved away. I didn't ride for many many years until April 2009....

That gets us to the now. That's when Katie comes in the picture. How lucky I am to have such a talented trainer in this small town! Long story short, she talks me into trying out dressage...yeah...dressage. The first thing that I thought was "Is she serious? Why in the WORLD would I want to do nothing but trot around in a 20 meter circle? Isn't dressage for people who are scared to jump?" SO I go to my first few lessons and quickly learn that there is SO much more to dressage than 20 meter circles. (Chuckle Chuckle)

So my lessons progressed and my riding got better each day so we both decided that it was time for me to find a partner in this game we play. So the Internet was on fire with our searching and searching. We found several prospects but nothing was really sticking out in my mind as what I wanted for my dressage partner. Finally I found an ad for a lovely grey Thoroughbred and my heart was sold...the rest is history.

Granted that he had very little dressage training...but was trained hunter jumpers...he was off the track only a year...6 years old....and very silly. But he had my heart. I totally loved him at first sight. My husband about had a coronary when I told him what I spent on a horse with no training in the sport that I was perusing...but what could I say?? I was in love!

June 27th 2009 I bought my very first horse. His name is Styx and is pretty much my child. I love this horse like he is my own and my husband, family, and non-horse friends think I am insane. He bites, he kicks, he hates to be loved on and can be a naughty boy at times. But like I said, once you know...you just KNOW. (Sigh)

So 6 months, 1 show, being tossed the first time in years, a motorcycle accident (look for this blog later), and getting him back into work following the injury we find ourselves in 2010, and looking brightly into the future this show season. I know that we will have our roller coaster ride and hopefully you will enjoy reading about it as much as I am going to enjoy writing about it. We have allot in store for us this year and maybe...just maybe you can learn a little bit along with us. Until next time, heels down, soft hands, and halt at X.

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