Monday, April 19, 2010

Inexperienced Rider and Inexperenced Horse=not good.

Well, as you can clearly guess, I had a fairly rough day riding today. Like with any sport we have our days of greatness that make us think we are ready for an Olympic trial, yet we also have those days that we feel the need to go back over basic riding instruction...yes, I had one of those days today.

It has been quite a while since my last post so please allow me to catch you up. Since our last ride Styx and I have been through quite a ringer! Near the end of January my poor darling horse came up with a sore back so I went to riding a horse that we have at the barn named Sassy. Cute little quarter horse, ex-barrel racer, and about as far from my world as you can possibly get! It was a constant argument with her, but we did have a good few weeks of fun together before I came down with my own illness. Yes, I had quite the scare with a blood clot in my right leg but to spare you the story and me time I will keep the details to myself. Lets just say that it wasn't fun being stuck on the ground for 6 the midst of show season beginning...when my lovely darling horse is actually...CAN WE SAY IT??? STARTING TO LOOK LIKE A DRESSAGE HORSE!?!?!

The time I was forced to spend on the sidelines my talented trainer Katie seemed to turn this ex-racer/hunter extraordinaire into a dressage horse. He could actually get around the arena in a constant frame without throwing his head in her face. I was so ready to get back into the saddle! I couldn't believe that this was finally happening! He just looked so lovely and FUN! I couldn't believe that just a short few weeks prior to that I was considering selling him! Yes, that will have to be yet another blog...

So, the weeks finally turned into 6 and it was time for me to get back in the saddle. I was so ready to try out this new horse that was presented to me! So I took my first few rides on my new and improved horse and I couldn't be happier! Before his canter was wild and out of control, but now it seemed as if it were smooth and rhythmic. I had a horse in my bridle! It was AWESOME!!!!!

Well, key word...was. Like previously stated, our sport is one of ups and downs, and today was honestly the first time I can ever remember that after dismounting my horse I proceed to throw my *new* helmet across the pasture (away from my horse and trainer of course!) out of frustration. I have been known to get frustrated in a MAJOR way, but never have I ever thrown something in a fit, and it was my brand new never worn helmet.

Looking back on it I really don't know what all went wrong. It was just, wrong from the get go. I will add to my favor that I was wearing spurs today and I'm still not sure how to use them properly, so that added to my frustration. I never felt like he got in frame nicely, his canter departs were wacky and he was dieing constantly when I felt like I was spurring the SH*T out of him. I dunno...I really feel like it was mostly my fault because when Katie rode him he looked fantastic! I just finally got to a point where I was like screw this, and Katie got back on and schooled him again. AND then he started bucking in his canter departs! I teach this horse horrible habits and when she tries to correct them, he throws one of his tantrums! UGH!

It totally sucks being an inexperienced rider on an inexperienced horse! For the first time in my life I am being forced to actually RIDE. In the past I have ridden what one may call an "automatic" horse. One that you can just sit on and steer around the arena. Not have to do much but sit up straight and look pretty....Styx on the other hand, is anything but that. Which in hind sight is a good thing because on a daily basis it teaches me how to be a damn good rider. But I just haven't made it there yet...

I must keep telling myself that I have only been doing this for a year. I get caught up with my friends that have grown up doing this thing for 20+ years and I compare myself to them constantly, and that's not fair to me. I know that Katie gets frustrated with me, but I have to give kudos to her for putting up with my crap. Most trainers wouldn't understand, but I really feel like she knows where my breaking point is and doesn't push me beyond it. That, my friends, is the mark of an excellent trainer. She knows when to push and when to give. Thank God for her.

So, WHEW...I feel better now after a bitch fest! :) HA! I guess I will strap my spurs on and try again tomorrow. Quit worrying about messing up my horse...he is my horse after all and I bought him for me to ride. If that means I will screw some "buttons" up in the mean time than so be it. At least I can afford a great trainer that can fix that for me! Sit tall and be quiet and soft in the hand. Remember that I am a much better rider now than where I was a year I can actually see growth when I look at it that way!

Until next time guys, ride with confidence, search hard for those great days, and as always Halt at X...or G depending on your test.

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